The 2020 dozen

As has become a tradition over the last few years, I am showing twelve pictures from the past twelve months that were important to me. The self-portrait above (which doesn't count against the twelve) gives an indication that this year was very different from any other I have experienced.

Especially for a people photographer like me, the covid pandemic severely limited what I could photograph. No life on the streets, almost no concerts or theater performances, and no travel. So this selection of pictures will be a little different from those I showed in previous years.

A cold morning on the banks of the river Rhine. This was taken before the pandemic limited air travel,
as you can see by the number of contrails in the sky.
Königswinter, Germany.
Frederike Berendsen sings with Adam Bonomo at his concert in Borken near the end of January.
Borken, Germany.
My lovely dog Frida after a small surgical procedure.
Frida is a mix of Golden Retriever and Bernese Mountain Dog.
Hennef, Germany.
Sebastião Salgado, one of the most celebrated photographers of our time, with his wife Lélia.
The two of them collaborate on both photographic and environmental projects.
Cologne, Germany.
Swiss photographer René Groebli signing a book at the opening of his show at Leica Gallery Frankfurt.
Frankfurt, Germany.
Eby, the newest member of the household. She is a rescue from Hungary.
Hennef, Germany.
At the exhibition 'Survivors' with photos by Martin Schoeller at Zeche Zollverein in Essen.
His portraits show survivors of the Holocaust.
Essen, Germany.
Felix Bold and Aischa-Lina Löbbert at a rehearsal of a drama about the life of Ludwig van Beethoven.
Due to the pandemmic, almost of the celebrations of his 250th birthday had to be postponed.
Cologne, Germany.
In July, I took over Fujifilm Nordic's Instagram stream for a week to show my work from Montana.
Cyberspace, Anywhere.
Tommie Harris at his concert at Haus Eifgen.
In summer, there were at least a few concerts, of course with strict regulations on hygiene and distancing.
Wermelskirchen, Germany.
Cooking at home, I made my first attempts at food photography.
Hennef, Germany.
Street theater performance of Goethe's 'Hermann & Dorothea' with Thomas Krutmann.
Cologne, Germany.

There is always something to photograph, but I certainly missed seeing old friends and making new ones, learning about new things and taking part in great events this year.

So here's to a better 2021!

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